First of all

First of all, decluttering and organising bring benefits at all ages!

When you declutter and organise, you get these three major benefits:

  1. psychological benefit: you limit the number of useless items you own and you feel better as a consequence
  2. economical benefit: you avoid buying again and again items you already own but forgot you had
  3. time benefit: you find everything, all the time

Decluttering while you are healthy

From the Japanese concept of « 生前整理 seïzen seïri” which is a way of life where people take care of their belongings whenever they can, rather earlier than later in their life.

When you practice “生前整理 seïzen seïri”,

  • you create an environment where you can live a healthy life
  • you lower cost, worries and time spent of the people you care about.
  • you decide who get what, in your own terms

As a Home Organiser, I want to help you improve your everyday life

You’ll find here detailed information about my services

Yours truly,

Home Organizer